Co-creating resources:

Developing training curricula for monitors, building CLM program budgets, building CLM terms of reference and governance structures

Translating monitoring findings into impact:

Using CLM evidence to advocate to overcome barriers, building systems to track whether or not a CLM-driven advocacy campaign has had an impact

Building data collection systems:

Developing indicators based on community priorities, developing CLM data dashboards, building data collection infrastructure

Providing thought leadership to the field:

Shaping approaches through research on and analysis of CLM in practice, and publication of resources on best practices in tackling specific challenges


Our technical support generates comprehensive understanding:

Stakeholder Education

  • Engaging and building awareness among civil society, donors and government
  • Building community leadership and expertise in all aspects of the CLM model

Navigating tension and conflict among stakeholders based on entrenched interests and/or misunderstanding regarding the function of CLM

  • Support communities to clarify the CLM model, principles, and purpose


Once a community-based organization is in place to lead CLM, CLAW helps establish strong governance structures, plan for project activities, and build the core staff to prepare for implementation. This includes technical support for:

Collaborative CLM planning and prioritization

  • Co-designing baseline assessments of country context including service delivery priorities, translating baseline assessments into comprehensive CLM plans for training, advocacy, and data collection planning
  • Developing terms of reference for hiring project staff, supporting human resource management including recruitment, training and mentoring front line monitors and their supervisors
  • Focus on priority issues and concerns, such as pandemic prevention, health service delivery for key populations, human rights violations

Collaborative indicator development

  • Support CLM teams in developing indicators that will provide usable data for advocacy, and validating these indicators with communities
  • Deliver trainings on best practices in quantitative indicator development

Developing data collection tools and infrastructure

  • Supporting initial set up of digital platforms for data collection (such as CommCare) and ongoing skills-building in data entry, management, data cleaning, dashboard development

Support for building CLM governance structures

  • Developing template tools such as terms of reference, CLM guidebooks, Terms of Reference for CLM teams, and CLM program personnel management approaches

Developing CLM project proposals, workplans, and budgets; and engaging with donors

  • Preparing detailed funding proposals, protocols, and budgets that can be submitted to donors (e.g. PEPFAR, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, etc) to solicit funding
  • Supporting teams in meeting with donors around funding mechanisms, changes in funding levels, etc.


Community-led monitoring requires ongoing cycles of data collection, analysis, and advocacy. CLAW members provide technical assistance to partners so that every stage is executed with impact and rigor. This includes:

Creating engaging, effective trainings for project implementation, data collection and advocacy teams, from inception to refreshers to additional skills-based modules
Supporting data analysis to translate issues into community-owned advocacy interventions
Developing approaches to solutions-generation that generates impact
Developing qualitative data tools to complement and add context
Partnering in data analysis and
report writing
Iterating tools for different contexts and based on field experience
Convening high-impact community events, meetings with government and donors, and other advocacy and accountability interventions