Power, data and social accountability: defining a community-led monitoring model for strengthened health service delivery

By Ndivhuwo Rambau, Soeurette Policar, Alana Sharp, Elise Lankiewicz, Allan Nsubuga, Luke Chimhanda, Anele Yawa, Kenneth Mwehonge, Donald Denis Tobaiwa, Gérald Marie Alfred, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Asia Russell, Solange Baptiste, Onesmus Mlewa Kalama, Rodelyn M. Marte, Naïké Ledan, Brian Honermann, Krista Lauer, Nadia Rafif, Susan Perez, Gang Sun, Anna Grimsrud, Laurel Sprague, and Keith Mienies

Born out of models of political accountability and historical healthcare advocacy led by people living with HIV, community-led monitoring (CLM) of health service delivery holds potential as a social accountability model to increase the accessibility and quality of health systems. However, the effectiveness of the CLM model in strengthening accountability and improving service delivery relies on its alignment with evidence-based principles for social accountability mechanisms. We propose a set of unifying principles for CLM to support the impact on the quality and availability of health services.

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Facilitators and barriers to community-led monitoring of health programs: Qualitative evidence from the global implementation landscape

Alana R. Sharp, Ngqabutho Mpofu, Elise Lankiewicz, Beatrice Ajonye, Ndivhuwo P. Rambau, Stefanie Dringus, Brian Honermann, Ngozi Erondu, Asia Russell, Kenneth Mwehonge, Cláudia Aguiar, Naïké Ledan, Matthew M. Kavanagh

This study aimed to identify early challenges and lessons learned from CLM implementation, with the aim of informing and improving the implementation of CLM programs and ultimately achieving greater impact on the delivery of services. Twenty-five CLM implementors representing 21 countries participated in an interview. With the rapid expansion of CLM, this study serves as an important first step in characterizing challenges and successes in the CLM landscape. Successful implementation of CLM requires prioritizing community ownership and leadership, donor commitment to sustainable and reliable funding, and strengthened support of programs across the data collection and advocacy lifecycle.


Community Engagement with Global Fund – Opportunities for Support in GC7 (Grant Cycle 7)

The Global Fund Board has approved $14 million for the Community Engagement Strategic Initiative for CG7 (2024-2026). Funds will support peer-to-peer technical assistance on gender, human rights, equity, key populations, community systems and responses and other related areas. CLAW is a technical support provider as part of this initiative. Learn more in this brief presentation.


Drivers of HIV treatment interruption: Early findings from community-led monitoring program in Haiti

By Soeurette Policar, Alana Sharp, Joanne Isidor Hyppolite, Gérald Marie Alfred, Eva Steide, Leïnadine Lucien, Naïké Ledan, and Matthew Kavanagh

Failure to retain people living with HIV (PLHIV) in care remains a significant barrier to achieving epidemic control in Haiti, with as many as 30% lost from care within one year of starting treatment. Community-led monitoring (CLM) is an emerging approach of improving healthcare and accountability to service users, through a cycle of monitoring and advocacy. In 2020, a CLM program was launched in Haiti to identify barriers to retention and advocating for better health services.

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Stakeholder Perceptions of Community-Owned Data: Perspectives From Community-Led Monitoring

By Ngqabutho Mpofu, Elise Lankiewicz, Soeurette Policar, Walter Chikanya, Joanne Isidor, Beatrice Ajonye, Donald Tobaiwa, Alfred Gerald, Alice Kayongo, Naïké Ledan, Alana Sharp

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Como Elaborar Orçamentos para Monitoria Liderada pela Comunidade

Este guia destina-se a ser utilizado por organizações lideradas pela comunidade para desenvolver um orçamento para um programa de monitoria liderado pela comunidade, ou MLC. Este recurso pode ser utilizado por programas que procuram financiamento para um novo programa de MLC, ou pode ser utilizado por organizações que procuram recursos em escala para um programa de MLC existente (para aumentar a cobertura, por exemplo). Este guia pode ainda ser também utilizado por consultores técnicos que prestam apoio a programas de MLC.

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Comment Budgétiser la Surveillance Dirigée par la Communauté

Ce guide est conçu pour les organisations communautaires afin qu’elles puissent élaborer un budget pour un projet de Surveillance Dirigée par la Communauté ou SDC. Ce guide peut être utilisé par des programmes à la recherche de financement pour un nouveau projet de SDC, ou par des organisations qui cherchent à augmenter leurs ressources d’un projet de SDC existant (afin d’intensifier sa couverture, par exemple). Ce guide peut également être utilisé par des consultants techniques apportant un soutien aux programmes de SDC.

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Cómo elaborar presupuestos para el Monitoreo Dirigido por la Comunidad

Esta guía busca servir a las organizaciones dirigidas por la comunidad en la elaboración de presupuestos para los programas de monitoreo dirigido por la comunidad (MDC). Esta herramienta puede ser de utilidad tanto a programas que busquen financiamiento para poner en marcha un nuevo programa de MDC, como a organizaciones que busquen mayores recursos para un programa de MDC ya existente (por ejemplo, con el fin de ampliar su cobertura). Esta guía también puede servir a los consultores técnicos que prestan apoyo a los programas de MDC.

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How to Budget for Community-Led Monitoring

This guide is intended to be used by community-led organizations to develop a budget for a community-led monitoring, or CLM, program. The resource can be used by programs seeking funding for a new CLM program, or may be used by organizations seeking scaled-up resources for an existing CLM program (to scale up coverage, for example). This guide may additionally be used by technical consultants providing support to CLM programs.

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Catching Up With CLAW (December 2022)

Members of the Community-Led Accountability Working Group (CLAW) support civil society efforts across the global South to build high-impact community-led monitoring programs.

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